text and photography project
An exhibition presented in three modules (Luna llena (Full Moon), Vida o muerte (Life or Death) and Narciso (Narcissus)), where each deals with a different typ of contagion between texts and images. The two tend to go hand in hand, but in fierce opposition, in an endless arm wrestling match. This contest is the central theme in suite. The concept was developed thanks to a grant awarded by the FNA (National Fund for the Arts, Argentina) in 2013, and the result is exhibited here for the first time. The photographs included come from different times and places, in both digital and analog formats, as do the texts.
Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Sala 10
Mirar o Buscar (To Look or to Look For)
Anyone who has witnessed a small baby's meandering, unfocused gaze will most likely have asked themselves whether the infant is unable to see anything yet, or doesn't yet recognize what he or she sees. Given that our personal experience of this moment of initiation is conveniently stored away in a pre-memory vault, we trust blindly in our ability to comprehend what we see.
We are not alone in this world, however, but practically awash in mediations and interventions of all kind that attempt to play a hand in our perceptions. Does that blind trust still resist? It's a bit like walking across a floor covered with tiny crystal balls: keeping one's balance demands so much effort that it is hard not to lose sight of the horizon, let alone maintain any sense of perspective.
With no tricks up my sleeve (aside from the occasional mirror) and without straying into the realm of dissection and investigation, I have dedicated quite some time to mulling over the relationship between one thing and the other--between seeing and understanding--adding instances to see where contrasts appear, or where the connection between the realm of images and that of text stretches taut. In English, the difference between to look and to look for is minimal (as opposed to their differentiation in Spanish: mirar and buscar) and it may well be that a vague intention is the only thing that calibrates to what extent an idea guides the eye toward finding confirmation or, on the other hand, observation decants to form comprehension; to what degree we choose to heed or ignore the creaking of the scales when we weigh what we see against what we read in black and white.
Tamara Stuby
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